
2013年9月11日 星期三

Learn how to say numbers in Mandarin Chinese_Part 3: 10,000 to 9,999,999,999,999,999

Hi, everyone!

Finally, the new lesson "How to say the large numbers from 10,000 to 9,999,999,999,999,999 in Mandarin Chinese" is issued!

Before you start with this lesson, you should have learned to say the numbers from 0 to 9,999 in the last two lessons. That will help you to have easier learning and better understanding with this lesson.

The structure of this lesson has 6 parts:

Part 1:  Introduction of what you need to know to say the large numbers from 10,000 to 9,999,999,999,999,999 in Mandarin Chinese

(1) how to say the numbers 0 to 9,999 in Mandarin Chinese
(2) three Mandarin Chinese characters: 兆, 億, 萬 (兆, 亿, 万)
(3) rules for how to say the digits 0, 1, 2 in the large numbers

Part 2: The three Mandarin Chinese characters: 兆, 億, 萬 (兆, 亿, 万)

Part 3: How to use the four green circles and the three characters: 兆, 億, 萬 (兆, 亿, 万) when saying the large numbers

Part 4: The rules for how to pronounce the numbers which contain the digits 0, 1, and 2

(1) Rule for digit 0

(1.1) Four additional cases: how to pronounce the small numbers inside the green circles
in the four additional cases
(1.1.1) case1: 0xxx  example: 0836
(1.1.2) case2: 00xx  example: 0067
(1.1.3) case3: 000x  example: 0005
(1.1.4) case4: 0000  example: 0000

(1.2) three points to explain the rule for digit 0 in large numbers
(1.2.1) the units corresponding to the green circles with the digit 0 inside.
(1.2.2) when there is more than one digit 0, together in a cluster.
(1.2.3) when the digit 0 or a cluster of zeroes is at the end of a large number.

(2) Rule for digit 1

(2.1) The rule for digit 1 in large numbers
(2.1.1) the digit 1's positions and pronunciation within the first three green circles when there is only a single digit 1, without any other digits inside the first three green circles

(3) Rule for digit 2

(3.1) The rule for digit 2 in large numbers
(3.1.1) the digit 2's positions and pronunciation within the first three green circles when there is only a single digit 2, without any other digits inside the first three green circles

Part 5: Comprehensive Review

Part 6: Comprehensive Test
(1) Number speaking Test
(2) Number listening Test

End of this lesson

With these three lessons, you will be able to say all the numbers in Mandarin Chinese that you will use in your daily life! Congratulations!

Mandarin Impossible / David Qing

Please pay attention to the information that this video doesn't provide as below notes. 

Note 1: 

For saying the large numbers from 10000 to over 9 quadrillion, you should pronounce the following small numbers in the green circle 0010, 0011, 0012, 0013, 0014, 0015, 0016, 0017, 0018, 0019 as below:

0010: líng yīshí
0011: líng yīshí yī
0012: líng yīshí 'èr
0013: líng yīshí sān
0014: líng yīshí sì
0015: líng yīshí wǔ
0016: líng yīshí liù
0017: líng yīshí qī
0018: líng yīshí bā
0019: líng yīshí jiǔ 

Note 2:

For the character zhào, there are some parts that you need to pay attention to:

In China:
Although there are still some people who use zhào to represent the large number “1 0000 0000 0000”, it is NOT the official way to say 1 0000 0000 0000 in Mainland China.
Instead of zhào , people in Mainland China use万亿 wàn yì to say 1 0000 0000 0000 in the official way.

In Taiwan:
People in Taiwan use zhào to represent the large number “1 0000 0000 0000” in the official way.

In BOTH China and Taiwan:
The characterzhào is also used to represent the prefixMegaorMwhich means 106 or 100 0000 in the International System of Units.

In Mainland China and Taiwan people often use zhào to say things like Megabytes (MB), Megahertz (MHz) and Megapixels (MP).

