
2017年10月20日 星期五

Telling the Time in Mandarin Chinese_Part2

Hi Everyone! 大家好! I just made a very useful Mandarin Chinese lesson for you! In this video, you will learn how to tell 12-hour clock time in Mandarin Chinese. Also, you will learn how to say the time periods of the day, like before dawn, morning, noon, afternoon, dusk, evening, night, and midnight, in Mandarin Chinese. You will also learn two more useful characters, 整 and 半, to help you tell the time. At the end of this lesson, you will also learn how AM and PM are expressed on electronic devices and computer systems which are set to use a 12-hour clock in Mandarin Chinese. Structure of this lesson: 1. Mandarin 12-hour clock time concept 2. Learn to say Time Periods of the day with the 12-hour clock time (2.1) Before Dawn (example: 3:07 AM) (2.2) Morning (example: 8:45 AM) (2.3) Noon (example: 12:30 PM) (2.4) Afternoon (example: 2:33 PM) (2.5) Dusk (example 5:46 PM) (2.6) Evening (example: 6:58 PM) (2.7) Night (example: 10:22 PM) (2.8) Midnight (example: 12:03 AM) 3. Learn two more useful characters 整 and 半 to tell the time. (3.1) How to use Mandarin Chinese character整 to tell the time (3.1.1) example: 4:00 PM sharp (3.2) How to use Mandarin Chinese character半 to tell the time (3.2.1) example: 4:30 PM 4. How AM and PM is expressed in electronic devices and computer systems which are set to use Mandarin Chinese and a 12-hour clock to express the time 5. Comprehensive Review 6. Comprehensive Test (6.1) Test of Speaking (6.2) Test of Reading and listening

Mandarin Impossible / David Qing