
2012年10月1日 星期一

Learn how to say numbers in Mandarin Chinese_Part 1: 0 to 9

Hi Everyone! 大家好!
In this video, you will learn how to say the Mandarin Chinese numbers from 0 to 9.

Here is the structure of this video:

Part 1: Introduction of Mandarin Chinese numbers
(1) 0 to 9
(2) 10 to 9,999
(3) 10,000 to 9,999,999,999,999,999

Part 2: Learn how to say Mandarin Chinese numbers 0 to 9

Part 3: Review
(1) Pronounce Mandarin Chinese numbers from 0 to 9 two times
(2) Flash card drills
(2.1) 0 to 9
(2.2) 0 to 9 in Mandarin Chinese (零、一、二、三、四、五、六、七、八、九)

Part 4: Learn how to say a series of numbers in Mandarin Chinese
(1) Postal delivery zone numbers
(2) Phone numbers
(3) Credit card numbers

End of this video

Reminder: Make sure that you can pass all the flash card drills in this video. You will need to have this skill before you start learning the numbers 10 to 9,999 in the next video.

See you next time!

 Mandarin Impossible / David Qing

